Sunday, 8 April 2012

Vientiane Day 84. Shopping for water festival

When the dry season (and the heat) reaches its peak, the Lao New Year (Boun Pi Mai) marks the departure of of old spirit and the arrival of the new ones. People clean their houses, put on their new clothes and wash Buddha images with scented water. In the temples, people offer food and flowers to the monks. The highlight of the festivity is the 'water fest' where people throw water at each other, foreigners and tourists not exempted. You can be doused by water while walking, riding bicycle/motorcycle or even in a tuk-tuk. It sounds like fun and in this heat,sometime I wish people throw water at me already.

Pi Mai falls on 13 to 15 April this year. Five days from now. On our way back from a weekend at Vientiane province, we saw a group of young Laotians having a pre-Pi Mai party - opened bottles of beer Lao everywhere, remix version of traditional Lao music on maximum volume, people soaking wet fully clothed and everyone is friendly with each other. The festival is almost here.

I have been warned to pack valuables in water proof bag or don't bring them at all. I have started shopping for the main Pi Mai Essential: water gun!

The night market is selling water shooting devices in all kinds of forms; pistols, guns, bazooka and water container back pack with spray gun - this is serious business.

I settled for a turqois 'handgun'. I told Sarah I need to practise with it and asked if she prefers to be shot with coffee, milk or juice. She just glared at me and threatened to dispose my new gun.

I also have my swim suit and rain coat ready. I still need to get one of those plastic slingbags from the market. Then I'm all set.

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