Vientiane Day 37. Camilla's Country Development Index
1. The availability of good quality tampons at reasonable price.
Period is a messy business when you don't have a good measure. Many girls in Africa miss at least 7 days of school in a month because they don't have proper sanitary pads, if at all.
Women should always have the options. Wings, maxi, light flow, heavy flow, over night, regular absorbency or super absorbency. It is our basic rights as consumers. Tell that to supermarkets in Lao. They only carry lame tampon brands, without applicators. And I'm not putting anything lame inside me. I'd rather fly to Thailand to stock up. Which I did. Well, I actually flew there for a meeting. But I make visit to Boots a highlight of the trip. I'm now well absorbed till end of April.
That's the plane I took for tampon shopping. |
2. The quality of the local KFC chicken.
It's the first junk food I ever ate. So full of memories, just like home. KFC chicken in the Middle East is the best, it's huge - over the top. Just like everything there. KFC China is too oily. Singapore is rather dry, because the meat is frozen and imported.But I love the breakfast menu.
If there isn't any KFC outlet, that country better have beautiful beaches, mountains, great bakeries and lots of good looking people to make it up. I forgive you Laos.
KFC breakfast waffle. LOVE. |
3. The number of people who recognize these images
I'm an addict. I'm just offended if people don't recognize my life lines.
4. The quality of the aerobridge
Aerobridge is the first thing that greets you when you landed in a country. If it shows any sign that it will cause you harm instead of getting you safe to the next destination, you must be in a LDC. Or that place should be in the list. If it's one of those airports where you step off an international flight uncovered then you climb 2 sets of stairs to get to the terminal, then you must be on your way to visit me in Vientiane.